Sunday, April 21, 2013

SAN BERNARDINO: Bigger Finance Department needed? : Cassie ...

Posted on | April 19, 2013 | Comments

Former San Bernardino Finance Director Jason Simpson

Former San Bernardino Finance Director Jason Simpson

At an April 9 hearing in US Bankruptcy Court, CalPERS lawyer Michael B. Lubic said that for a city San Bernardino?s size (population 210,000), it should have 25 people in its finance department.

The city?s lawyer, Paul Glassman, had just finished telling the court that the city has hired a consultant to lead its finance department during the critical bankruptcy process. With three vacancies yet to fill, it will soon have 17 employees (albeit some part-time).

I don?t know of a time the city had more than 16.

I put in a public records request to find out how many accounting folks Finance had when long-time Finance Director Barbara Pachon left in December 2011.

There were 16, according to the City Attorney?s office, which responds to all requests for such mundane information in San Bernardino.

Did short-timer Jason Simpson, who presided over Finance during the bankruptcy panic in 2012, have more accounting workers than Pachon had? I doubt it.

City employees and department heads were stampeding for the doors once the city?s fiscal straits went public.

After City Manager Andrea Travis-Miller resigned to take a job in San GabrielValley, Simpson announced his resignation in January 2013, after less than a year on the job.

Now I?ll grant you that bankruptcy puts extra demands on a city?s Finance Department. But where is SB going to find the money to hire more people?

And if it does, won?t it have less money to pay CalPERS (Mr. Lubic?s client)?

No one said any of this was going to make sense.

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