Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The Shadow Lands

The Shadowlands (previously known as Pirra) is The Shadow Lord's domain and land. It is the birthplace of Ols and Grey Guards and many other nasty and fierce creatures and monsters. The Ak-Baba wasn't bred here, but was found by the Shadow Lord in the Barrier Mountains. The egg of the Ak-Baba was big, and was placed in a nest of stones, on the top of a mountain. It was cold and there was snow on the top. The sorcerer (The Shadow Lord) took the egg back to his den in the Barrier Mountains, and he also thought that it was a Dragon's Egg. But then he discovered that it was strange ugly big bird that came from the egg, he then filled with anger and prepared to crush the bird with his hand. But he then realized, because of the size of it, that it could grow very large, and he also saw that it had teeth. So he used what he got. Also there is a garbage mount in the Shadowlands where expired guards, corpses and used Ols are placed. there are the remnants of the Shadowlord's creations. Also rotting dead guards can be found on the mound. The mound supposedly leads to the Shadowlord's very own palace. Shadowgate, which is also a village. The Shadowlands, is a deserted land, with mountains and hills in various and several shapes. It is a disgusting and sometimes smelling place. It also got many sorts of monsters and creatures, and creepy things on the ground, under the ground, or in waters.

Locations in the Shadowlands

The Factory
The Factory is a place in the Shadowlands near the Barrier Mountains. It is owned by the Shadow Lord, and creates most of the monsters for the Shadow Army. Sadness might be caused the chemical gases produced from the chimneys.

The Garbage Mount
The Garbage Mount is a mount of acid that Grey Guards and Ols get thrown in. It is located next to the Factory in The Shadowlands. After the Grey Guards reach their experation date, they are dumped in the mound and replaced by a fresh batch of guards.

Shadow Gate
Shadowgate is a small town at the feet of the Barrier Mountains north of Deltora. The town lies near the passage which leads from Deltora to the Shadowlands. The passage's walls are filled with small holes which is home to Bubblers, small and pale boneless creatures, which looks a little like a sea cucumber. They exude thick, frothing white slime, that greases the rock, allowing the Bubbler to squeeze out of narrow cracks and holes.
There's dangers anywhere in Shadowgate, and life there is harsh.

Doran the Dragonlover visited Shadowgate on his journey around Deltora, writing the book Secrets of Deltora

Shadow Arena
The Shadow Arena is located within the Shadowlands and connected to the Factory, where the Shadow Lord creates his evil creations, by an underground tunnel.
This arena is used by the Shadow Lord to put his prisoners and slaves up against his evil creatures, most the time killing them. They mostly fight against Vraals, the Shadow Lord's personal fighting beast.

The Shifting Sands

The Shifting Sands are an expansive desert located in the upper right corner of the lapis lazuli territory, to the left of Rithmere Road, though they cannot be seen from the road. Before the Shifting Sands is a faded stone with a cryptic message on it. The massage warns readers the tha Sands are dangerous and describes the location's true nature.

The Sands themselves are red dunes, constantly shifting and changing and plagued by violet, frequent sandstorms, giving the area its name. A low humming sound is present through the whole desert, somehow hypnotizing people who enter the Shifting Sands and compelling them to move toward the Center. Because its landscape is constantly changing, travellers through the Sands are likely to become lost easily. Befitting of a desert, the Shifting Sands are devoid of water and constantly under the scorching sun during the day, but are freezing at night.

n reality, the Shifting Sands are a sentient organism known as the Hive. They behave very much like bees, all sharing a hive mind and being calmed by smoke, but angered by fire. The grains of sand that make up the desert are the carcasses of the dead hivemembers. The living workers reside below the sands. The entrance to the Hive is a massive, cone shaped peak in the middle of the desert. It is large enough that it can mistook for a volcano. This peak is referred to as "The Center" and the entrance to the Hive is located at its top. The buzzing noise that is present throughout the Shifting Sands grows louder the closer to the Center one is.

The Hive gathers the treasures all that fall in the sands to the Center. Regardless of where they land in the desert, everything eventually makes its way to the Center. It then arranges its collection into a gigantic pyramid. It only collects inanimate objects and anything that will either not decay at all or will decay only after centuries. The most recent objects collected are placed closer to the top.

The most notable inhabitants of the Shifting Sands, outside of the Hive, are the Sand Beasts. These creatures are found exclusively in the Shifting Sands and are the favorite food of lapis lazuli dragons. Scorpion Lizards are also exclusive to the Shifting Sands and are, in turn, the preferred food of Sand Beasts. Stinging insects known as Dune Flies are also common in the sands, and seem to scavenge dead creatures. The Hive allows these creatures to live and hide in the Sands in a form of faculative symbiosis. The animals prey on anything that enters the Sands and the Hive takes the trespassers' treasure and, eventually, their bones, to add to its collection.


Noradz was the city that the Ra-Kacharz and the citizens of Hira moved into when the monster Reeah got to big and powerfull for them to control. Noradz has very strict rules, and if not they are not followed properly, the person who has broken the rules either get whipped or they are to face the sacred Cup. The Ra-Kacharz are the harsh preists of Noradz, and the enforcers law enforcers. There are 9 of them. Their current where abouts are unknown. If you are unlucky enough to stumble upon Noradz, then you had better get out...quick.

The Forests of Silence

The Forests of Silence are three forests, where the first one lies in Del/Topaz Territory, and half of the second lies in both Del and Ralad Territory, but the last one lies only in Ralad Territory. The three woods are fittingly called First Wood, Mid Wood, and End or Last Wood . First Wood is nearest to the city of Del and is completely in Topaz Territory. Mid Wood is between First Wood and End Wood and is partially in topaz territory and partially in ruby territory. End Wood is in ruby territory. The Forests of Silence is the location in which the first gem, the Topaz was hidden by one of the seven Ak-Baba. Jarred and Anna fled to the Forests of Silence after being denied sanctuary in Tora.

The Woods

First Wood
The largest of the forests, First Wood is the closest Forest to Del. It contains a variety of unusual plant life and animals life.

Mid Wood
The ghost of a Jalis knight called Gorl guards the Lilies of Life, or flowers whose nectar give you eternal life. However, he grew these webbed vines called "The Dark" around the Lilies so no one would find them but the darkness stopped the Lilies from blooming in the first place but Gorl didn't know that.

Last Wood
End Wood is home to Orchard Keepers and is said to be the least dangerous of the woods. It is home to a vaeriety of ferns and has a less gloomy atmoshphere than the other forests.


While Deltora was under the power of the Shadow Lord, this part of the city was abandoned and its people was forced underground.

Greel's Tail

Greel's Trail was named for Greel, the leader of the Jalis that originally supported Adin.
Many years after Greel's death, Doran the Dragonlover wrote about Greel's Trail in Secrets of Deltora. He took Greel's Trail in order to reach Withick Mire more quickly. Greel's Trail runs southeast from Jaliad to the Coast Road near the border to the Del territory. It is one of the longer and rougher roads in the territory ? it winds and climbs numerous hills ? but is a more direct route to the Del territory than taking the Knight's Parade road. Greel's Trail allows travelers to see more of the Jalis territory's countryside and wildlife. In particular, it passes Haven Vale, a valley teeming with bird and other wildlife.

Dread Mountain

Dread Mountain is a mountain to the northwest of Deltora and creates the border separating Deltora from the Shodowlands. It is home to the Dread Gnomes, Kin and also it's the home of Vraals, Gellick and Grey Guards. It's also guarding the Emerald of the Belt of Deltora.

Barrier Mountains

The Barrier Mountains are the the range of mountains located to the north, which works as Deltora's border, and protection, from the Shadowlands. The Barrier Mountains were created long ago, when the dragons took to the air and flew over where there was water once. It was the day, the earth shook and cracked, revealing the seven magic gems of Deltora. They breathed fire into the mess of lava and water, which formed the mountains between the Shadowlands (formerly Pirra) to the north, and Deltora to the south.

At the feet of the Barrier Mountains, the town, Shadowgate, is located. Near Shadowgate is a passage through the rocky mountain range, which leads into the Shadowlands.
The Dread Mountain, which are the home of the Dread Gnomes and the Kin, are near the Barrier Moutains, to the southwest, and are kind of part of the Barrier Mountains.
The Barrier Mountains are not safe for travellers, because it's filled with dangerous creatures, ruffians and bandits.

Blood Lily Island
Blood Lily Island is located off the south-west coast of Deltora. It is surrouned by rapids and is connected to the Isle of the Dead by a natural rock bridge.


Broome lies on Deltora's east coast and is surrouned by a white wall of towers and buildings. The townsfolk of Broome are mostly descedents of castaways. They are generous hosts but are quick to take offence.
Broome Manners
It is considered rude for someone to stare at someone in the street, or to comment on anyone's appearence, no matter how nicely they go about it.

Return any greeting.

It is considered bad manners for someone to refuse an invatation to dance, unless they are injured.

If someone complains about the company they are given, they will be asked to leave immediatly.

It is a Broome custom to remain within the city during sunset.


Capra was an ancient city that once was where Broome now stands. It it a beautiful city bathed in pink light. A dreamy magical place of tall, delicate spires and shining glass domes. With groves of slender trees hung with glowing red spheres that clink in the wind making sweet chiming music. It is known that, though few mortals see it, if you can see Capra it will hold you in a trance. Leaving you unable it eat, drink, speak, or even move. Sunset is very dangerous. Some capricorns wait outside broome and watch to see Capra. Capra was the home of the capricorns and was plundered by the dragons. The capricorns still scorn the people of broome, saying that they "danced on the ashes of Capra".

Cavern of The Fear

The Cavern of the Fear is the cavern where the Isle of Plume and The Fear are located. The Fear blocks the way into the Opal Cavern and the Isle of Auron and is made of a giant clump of flesh with a little head which got a big beak. The most of the body is made up by tentacles. The long thick tentacles fill out the whole cavern, and in the end of each of them, a couple long white wire like strings is located. The wires can grab out for something and take it.

Dreaming Spring

The Dreaming Spring is located near the southern border of the Emerald Territory to the west, close to the Heavenly Way. According to Doran, the spring cannot be seen from the road and, as a result, its location is not widely known. It is just north of the Lapis Lazuli Territory. The track leading to the spring is just past a tall, pale gray, man-shaped rock that locals refer to as "The Greer", due to its resemblance to actual Greers.
The spring itself is a small, round pool surrounded by white stones. An ancient, brass plate is attached to one of these stones with a message engraved on it. This message welcomes "gentle" passersby, but warns "evil" beings to stay away.

Dreaming Water
The Dreaming Spring's name comes from the effect its water has on those without wickedness in their hearts. Doran the Dragonlover states that he believes the magical properties of the water forgive ordinary human faults, such as anger and pride, and only punishes truly cold and wicked people. When a good-hearted person drinks the spring water, they will quickly fall into a deep sleep. The drinker will then "visit" whatever location or person their thoughts were on as they drank the water. The dreamer will be able to see and hear everything as if it were real life, but will be unable to interact with anything in the dream in any way.

Doran notes that the Dreaming Water does not allow the drinker to visit the dead, claiming that he has tried before. Doran used the Dreaming Water to locate the last of Deltora's dragons and convince them to sleep until the events of Dragons of Deltora. In addition, the drinker must have a clear mental image of the individual that they want to dream about.

The Dreaming Spring is surrounded by strange, pale trees. Every tree is identical to the other, sporting the same smooth trunk and the same three branches that angle upward sharply. The leaves and branches of the trees apparently do not fall off, as the ground around the spring is devoid of them. In actuality, the trees are the result of wicked people drinking the water from the spring. When someone with a wicked heart consumes the Dreaming Water, they quickly transform into one of these trees. The transformation seems to be extremely painful, as all of the victims seen succumbing to the effects of the water are described as screaming as they change.

The Kin have witnessed several of these transformations and relayed this information to Doran the Dragonlover. In his notes, Doran claims that there are 35 trees in the grove, and 37 when he returns five years later.

The funnel is a waterfall like tunnel that leads down to the centre of Deltora and possibly even the Pirran Islands. It is home to the sleeping Lapis-Lazuli dragon also known as "Fortuna". It is mentioned in the book Shadowgate on the hunt fot the Northern Sister when laughing Jack tries to throw in Zerry who i
Lapis Lazuli Dragons holding the belt of Deltora which he stole from Lief. The funnel has a sign at the front stating:
The Funnel

Do Not Enter

Happy Vale

Happy Vale is a town in the land of Deltora.
The town had been abandoned at some point. Today, it's all quiet, and the Windows of te buildings are coveres with dust. The town has a big clockwork, which still works, and are running. Theres a sqaure too, with a stopped water fountain.

Once, there we're both running tarverns, inns and stores.

Isle of the Dead

The Isle of the Dead is a tall, rocky spire located just to the west of Blood Lily Island. It is the most western point in Deltora. There is a cave near the peak of the Isle that has almost always served as a den for Kobbs, but they were forced out of the cave when the Sister of the West was hidden inside it. Countless generations of Kobbs moving over the surface of the Isle has coated it in slime, giving it a slippery, shining surface. The waters around the Isle are very rough and turbulent, making them dangerous for ships.


A resting place between the Dreaming Spring and Dread Mountain. A forest that contains a cave where Kin children used to play and Doom of the Hills used to live.

Maze of the Beast

The Maze of the Beast is by the Silver Sea in the Amythest Territory. In the first series it is home to Glus the Glutton, keeper of the Amythest. So many dark, evil stories are mentioned about this place that travellers might be forgiven for thinking it is a legend and does not exist.

But it does exist. It is home to Glus or as it is sometimes known as the Death Spinner.

The Maze is a series of partly-flooded caverns hidden beneath a sheet of rock. It is at the base of the headland.

It has been said that Glus has been sliding through it making it bigger and mending the walls with the sticky white threads it can spray.

Watch out for the Maze's blowhole. The sheet or rock that covers the Maze can be dangerous to walk upon. Spouts of waters rush into the air from cracks in the rock randomly. It is an amazing sight but is dangerous if you get close enough. The force of the water is enough to topple a fully grown man, and those who get caught in it can be sucked down into the Maze.

Only on low tide can you edge into this cavern and move the rock that is covering the entrance. It will usually be covered by a steel grating bolted to the rock. If it is not drop a pebble down into the hole. Soon Glus will come expecting to find prey.

Os-Mine Hills

The Os-Mine Hills are 3 days walk, north from Del. The Hills are known for their unique bird, plant and animal life.

The Pirran Caverns

The Pirran Caverns are a giant underground cave system, running the entire length of Deltora . The Cavern consists of three isles were the three different groups of Pirrans settled down, after they were forced out of Pirra by thre Shadow Lord. The Cavern is filled with water, forming an underground ocean of kinds, with the water changing colour to accmodate with the gemstone of the tribe it is situated beneath.

Each Isle's people had a piece of the Pirran pipe which was split due to trickery by the Shadow Lord. The Plumes had the mouthpiece of the flute (which was stolen and eventually ended up with Glock). The Auron's had the Middle Stem, and the Keras had the Endpiece.

Withick Mire

A Resistance stronghold located in the southern part of Deltora between Del and Tora. It seems there is a water supply nearby. Because of the massive amounts of garbage, it is also called Stink City. The garbage however is advantage because:

It can be used for resources

It helps hide the Resistance

Its smell drives the Ols and Grey Guards away

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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