Saturday, November 10, 2012

Three Cheers to Health - Operation Muffin Top - Connecticut News

Hello all! My name is Debbie Aloupis, and I?m proud to say that this is my first blog posting for Carozza Fitness! My passion for fitness and nutrition has landed me here, and I?m hoping I can get you all to cheer along to health with me! I am currently completing my certification as a Health and Nutrition Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and have leaned SO much about diet and wellness, that I?m SO excited to share. I?m looking forward to working with clients who are looking to make healthy food and lifestyle changes. While going through the program, I?ve used myself as a guinea pig for several different dietary theories, and I?ve made changes to my diet and lifestyle according to what works for my own body. Together, we will reach your goals, according to your individual needs, to live the healthful lifestyle you?ve always wanted.

My passion for fitness started back in high school when I decided to go running with my cousin, Maria. The two of us jogging together down at Cove Park made for a great comedy show! We were bumping into each other, laughing, and had no clue about the proper form of running. Needless to say, I loved the feeling I got after a run so I stuck with it, running every morning before school, improving my form and building up my stamina. Through the years, I?ve competed in 4 five-mile Turkey Trot races in Southport, a Run From the Sun 5K in Danbury, the Trifitness Duathlon in Norwalk, and currently training for the Walt Disney World Half-Marathon in Orlando this coming January. When it comes to exercise, you name it, I?ve done it (and still doing most of these)?.rollerblading, biking/spinning, swimming, skiing, mat/reformer Pilates, yoga, barre method, cross training, and strength training.

My passion for proper nutrition has just bloomed over the past several years. I?ve always been conscious of what I eat, but now I?m educated about what I eat. Over the years I?ve always tried to ?diet? in order to be fit and healthy. I would force myself to eat certain foods because they were low-fat, or low-calorie but realized I wasn?t enjoying my food, wasn?t feeling energized, and often binged on naughty foods. Today, I don?t ?diet?. I make healthy food choices that are part of my life. The education I?m receiving about different foods and how to read food labels has made a world of difference. I actually enjoy cooking new meals, trying new foods, and making healthful choices when I eat out. I look forward to hearing your stories and thoughts about nutrition and sharing helpful tips and delicious recipes with you!!

Debbie Aloupis ?



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