Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Scarcity Mindset Dilemma | Travel Business U

I recently exhibited at a trade show. To peak people?s interest and get a little more attention than the next booth, we were running a contest called ?Crack the Safe? giving our booth visitors a chance to win $25,000 cash if they guessed the correct 6-digit code to open the safe.

As people walked by our booth, I asked them if they would like a chance to win $25,000 cash. You would expect most people to say yes, but I was shocked that 3 people in a row answered with an identical reply??No thanks, I never win anything.? In addition to being quite surprised by the abundance of negativity around money, I was also intrigued byanother repeat opinion ? ?I?ll never make any money in this business.?

My prediction is that each person who uttered those words will never feel financially secure. The reason? A scarcity mindset.

Our society is bombarded with scarcity mindset principals. Those of us that suffer from a scarcity mindset (about 99% of the population) don?t have to feel guilty or responsible for having it as we inherited it from our parents, teachers, society, etc.

What is a scarcity mindset? It?s a belief that there is a limited supply. Whatever you direct your scarcity mindset towards is what you believe there is a limited supply of. Thus, if you have a scarcity mindset around money, you believe there is a limited supply of money.

Even though there may be a limited supply of money in your bank account does not mean you are limited in how much money you can manifest in your life.

Having a scarcity mindset could be THE thing that is preventing you from succeeding in your business. Even if it?s not THE thing, I know for certain that if you have a scarcity mindset, you will never be successful. So, knowing how to identify your scarcity mindset and what to do to change it is a critical step in progressing towards the success and abundance you deserve.

So how do we do it?

1)?? ?Awareness ? the first step in healing your money mindset is to become aware that you have a scarcity mindset. Here are some signs you have a scarcity mindset around money:

  1. You believe your business is suffering because of the ?downturn? in the economy;
  2. You never pay full price when you travel ? you always get some kind of a travel agent deal;
  3. You attend a conference and instead of paying the negotiated $129 per night to stay at the on site hotel, you find a Hampton Inn down the road for $69 per night;
  4. When you eat out at a restaurant, you choose your order based upon what you want to eat AND how much it costs. In other words, if the special sounds fabulous but then you learn it?s $37, you decide to get your second choice, the $16 chicken dish.
  5. You catch yourself saying things like ?I can?t afford it.?

The reality is ? we all have a scarcity mindset, so you might as well become aware of it. This is the first step. I want you to realize that there is an endless pit of money potential for you.

2)?? ?Believe in Abundance ? the next step in the process of healing your scarcity mindset is to begin believing in abundance. The easiest way to do this is to start noticing abundance in your life. You can find abundance everywhere in nature. For example, when you wake up in the morning, is there enough air in the room for you to breath? Notice the abundance of air in your life. Go for a walk in a forest in autumn and see the abundance of beauty around you. If you have healthy children, notice the abundance of well-being in your life. There are lots of ways to do it, so start noticing abundance and you will start to expect it.

3)?? ?Make Decisions from Love not Fear ? Most people make financial decisions from a fear based place. For example, the person that decides to stay at the $69 Hampton Inn instead of staying at the on-site hotel for $60 more per night, is making that decision from a fear based place. It?s coming from a place of I don?t want to run out of money. But if you really want to be successful, and make your decision from a heart centered place, you would make the choice to stay at the on-site hotel because you honor yourself and want to feel successful which will put you in a better state for the conference. Your Assignment: If you are feeling stuck in your business, it might be because of a scarcity mindset. To heal it, first become aware of it. Notice yourself saying things from a scarcity place. Start looking for abundance in your life and feel it. Then, begin to make decisions from your heart and not from a place of fear. Good luck with it!

Your Assignment: If you are feeling stuck in your business, it might be because of a scarcity mindset. To heal it, first become aware of it. Notice yourself saying things from a scarcity place. Start looking for abundance in your life and feel it. Then, begin to make decisions from your heart and not from a place of fear. Good luck with it!


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