Monday, December 3, 2012

Lessons Learned in Internet Marketing and Business | Companies ...

By Rachel Howe Created: December 2, 2012 Last Updated: December 2, 2012

Below are five lessons I?ve learned so far being in Internet marketing for the past few years. I hope you can take something away from the lessons I?ve learned and apply them in some way to yourself and make yourself more successful at what you do.??

Make Yourself Stand Out

I learned quickly that playing it safe won?t get you very far. You have to branch out of your comfort zone if you want to be noticed and grow. Not only is it essential for business, but for you personally. In the end, whom would you rather have work for you, an average Joe, or someone that makes things interesting?


Find a way to change something that you normally do that will change things up a bit and make your task or deliverable more interesting.

The same can be said for client meetings and presentations. Your clients chose you for a reason. If you don?t keep things interesting ? they?ll lose interest ? and losing clients isn?t fun, nor does it keep a business profitable. ?

It?s important to reassess the way you do things and how those things are presented so that you can keep your clients engaged. ?

Key takeaway: You?re unique. Show it off! Add flare to your presentations if/whenever possible.??

Be Consistent

A wise person once told me that talent may take you far, but those with drive who continually push themselves toward excellence are impossible to beat. ? Needless to say, that saying (and thought process) stuck with me and continues to this day. And in order to push for excellence, you have to be consistent in your work and attitude. ?

Key takeaway: Stay consistent and there?s nothing that you can?t accomplish!??

Speak Up

I?ll be honest, I?m not the loudest person in most rooms. It?s not necessarily a bad thing, but I?ve realized more and more that being reserved and quiet has its drawbacks in a professional setting.

One major drawback I have realized from not speaking up within the company is that one of my bosses doubted my ability to speak confidently in front of others. This of course is not true, and not something I would want others to think about me. If you are the same way, then someone may doubt your abilities as well.

Key takeaway: The point to take away here is that if you don?t share your thoughts, people may label you as quiet and unopinionated. You should always make sure that you contribute your thoughts and ideas once in a while, even if you think no one cares about what you have to say. Make it a goal to share a thought or opinion at every meeting or event. This helps build confidence with your co-workers and others you meet, which will be in your best interest in your professional career.??

Communicate Your Value

I have worked with enough clients to know that not all are one and the same. Some need more hand holding than others. I cannot emphasize how important communication is, especially in the Internet marketing field. Since many things in Internet marketing are naturally technology heavy, you have to make sure those who aren?t as tech savvy understand what you are talking about ? and don?t assume they understand. Make sure they do. ?

I have clients that say they understand things I have said, yet after I?ve talked to them and presented, they come back complaining they don?t understand what I?ve previously said to them. ?

If you aren?t doing it now, make sure you are providing your clients with information on what you are doing at least once a month, even if you sent them documentation a few months before when you presented. This will prove the value of your efforts so that they can be easily understood to even the most non-tech savvy person. Visuals go a long way, too! ?

Key takeaway: Communicate effectively, and communicate often so that people understand the value of your hard work!

Keep Learning

Internet marketing requires constant learning. That means you have to keep up to pace by reading up on the latest news in your field. I try to read an article every morning, during lunch and sometimes at night when I catch up on my Google reader. ?.

?Key takeaway: Stay on top of the latest that is going on in your field! Check out Google News for the latest articles in marketing, technology, and so on

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