Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Video: Sideshow: Alaska toys with nullification

>>> back to "hardball." now to the "sideshow." first, the late night comedy recap of the academy awards .

>> from last night's academy awards a special segment we call first time applauding?

>> only the sisth time in oscar hero there was a tie. the first went to began dolph the gray and the second went to sara mon the white. both men thanked their mothers, blowouts and vidal sassoon .

>> michelle obama announced best picture . something happened. i thought maybe -- i thought this was a bit rude. take a look.

>> mrs. obama, do you have your envelope?

>> and the oscar goes to.

>> "argo."

>> well, the appearance from michelle obama was, of course, one of the night's surprises and there's a reason we didn't know about it before hand. "the l.a. times " has con krl candidate the operation from start to finish. it turns out the idea for the first lady to appear at the oscars was hatched before the producers knew whether it would be michelle obama or ann romney . the idea was brought to the first lady's team by harvey weinstein when he attended the second inauguration. then the logistic were put in place. extra precaution that is kept the whole thing under wraps. the few people who were in the know told a crew last week that they were having an emergency meeting about one of the show's musical numbers. in reality they were helping the first lady rehearse via satellite. the winner envelope was hand delivered to the white house over the weekend. so the first lady knew who was going to win, i guess. throughout the show, the producers were backstage sending text messages to the white house staffers making sure everything was good to go. every the first lady's location in the white house was chosen not so much for the ambiance but because the room they did it would be free all weekend for the set yaup face.

>>> next, the latest state to be toying with nullification. alaska . the state's republican led house passed a bill yesterday which would exempt alaskans from having to follow any federal gun or al nitions restrictions. and would subject federal agents who tried to enforce gun laws up there to felony charges. well, alaska speaker of the house led the charge on this one. here he is last month talking about nullifying the president's executive orders on gun control .

>> the president has the power to issue -- i'm just wondering which --

>> i also have the ability to not like the authorities that he's passed.

>> but you don't necessarily have the ability to nullify things that the federal government has --

>> and that's something that the people in my district are looking at is nullification.

>> seems like this was resolved a long time ago when andrew jackson was president.

>> well, we can go back if we want to all the way back to george washington if we want to go far thuf back. so we all know even before thomas jefferson and how we became a country.

>> i have no idea what that guy is talking about. nullification became a thing of the past legally in 1833 which is why plenty of people are saying the move in alaska is unconstitutional and will never, ever be enforced.

>>> remember this?

>> we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. i went to a number of women 's groups and said can you help us find folks and they brought us whole binders full of women .

>> well, if you thought binders full of women left the scene with the rest of 2012 you didn't catch jeopardy yesterday.

>> here are the categories for you. hugo awards for science fiction . 1990s music. world place names . funny things people say. a bunch of stuff. potpourri really. and a binder full of women .

>> a binder full of women for $400.

>> she's the 111th justice of the supreme court .

>> keith?

>> who is sonia sotomayor .

>> yes.

>> $800, binder full of women .

>> in 2012 this berliner topped forbes list of the 100 most powerful women for the second year in a row.

>> colby.

>> who is merkel.

>> angela merkel , correct.

>> binder full of women . lives on on jeopardy.

>>> up next, a group of high profile republicans is urging the supreme court to support marriage equality . it's yet another sign of how fast this country is moving on this issue. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. [ lorenzo


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