Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bradley Manning pleads guilty to 10 lesser charges

Patrick Semansky / AP file

Army Pfc. Bradley Manning steps out of a security vehicle as he is escorted into a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., on Nov. 29, 2012, for a pretrial hearing.

By Jim Miklaszewski and Courtney Kube, NBC News

FORT MEADE, Md. ? A military judge on Thursday accepted guilty pleas by ?Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 10 lesser charges against him, leaving the ex-intelligence analyst to face 12 other counts for allegedly leaking hundreds of thousands of government documents to the WikiLeaks website.?

The acceptance of the "naked guilty pleas" -- meaning there is no agreement between the government and the defense that would limit the sentence ? at a pre-trial hearing means that Manning faces up to 20 years in prison, even if he is ultimately acquitted of the most-serious charges against him.?

Col. Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over the case, also accepted Manning?s ?not guilty? pleas to the remaining charges, including "aiding the enemy." His court martial on those charges, which carry a maximum sentence of life in prison, is scheduled to begin on June 3.?

During the day-long pre-trial hearing, Manning acknowledged that his actions were a discredit to the service and that he knew WikiLeaks was not authorized to have the information he provided.?

At one point when Lind asked him whether he knew what he was doing was wrong, he answered simply, "Yes, your honor."

More than an hour of Thursday's hearing was consumed by Manning's composed reading of a 35-page prepared statement that offered his first public explanation of his motives for leaking the government documents to WikiLeaks. He said he did so to ?spark domestic debate? on foreign policy and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.?

Manning painted himself as a young man with an "insatiable thirst for geopolitical information"?and a desire for the world to know the truth about what was happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he said he became increasingly disillusioned after being sent to Iraq by actions that "didn't seem characteristic" of the U.S., the leader of free world.

Manning said under oath that the first documents he sent to WikiLeaks in early 2012 were the combined information data network exchanges for Iraq and Afghanistan, which he described as the daily journals of the "on-the-ground reality" of the conflicts in Iran and Afghanistan.?

He said he sent the information while on leave and staying at his aunt's house in Potomac, Md., using a public computer at a Barnes & Noble store in Rockville or North Bethesda. He said included a brief note calling the information the most significant documents of our time, and closing with, "Have a good day."?

He said he tried to send the information to the Washington Post and the New York Times before turning to WikiLeaks. ?He said he later sent information to WikiLeaks eight other times from his personal laptop at Contingency Base Hammer in Iraq.?

Manning is facing 22 criminal charges that include "aiding the enemy" and could face a life sentence if convicted of the most serious charges.?

Manning said he decided to release the first batch information because he was depressed and frustrated, and felt "a sense of relief" when he returned to Iraq. He said he finally had a "clear conscience" because someone else knew what was happening.?

His most detailed explanation involved the release of aerial weapons team video showing airstrikes that killed some Iraqi civilians and several Reuters journalists.

?It was troubling to me" that the U.S. military in Iraq wouldn't release the video, he said. Also disturbing was the "seemingly delightful blood lust" exhibited when members of the air crew referred to the civilians as "dead bastards" and congratulated one another on their ability to kill large numbers of people. He said he was encouraged by the public response, that others were "as troubled" as he was.

In addition to the charge of aiding the enemy, Manning pleaded not guilty to counts alleging theft of U.S documents or videos -- including allegations that he stole the list of all of the emails and phone numbers of U.S. military and personnel in Iraq at the time -- unauthorized access of that information and downloading unauthorized software onto government computers.

The charges to which he pleaded guilty included intentionally causing intelligence information to be published on the Internet, improper handling of classified information and counts of conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline.

Specifically, Manning acknowledged that he had unauthorized possession of information, that he willfully communicated it, and that he communicated it to an unauthorized person. However, he only acknowledged that for nine specific files or pieces of information, including:?

  • Combat engagement video of a helicopter gunship;
  • Two Army intelligence agency memos;
  • Certain records of the combined information data network exchange Iraq (which tracks all significant acts and patrol reports);
  • Combined information data network exchange Afghanistan records;
  • Some SOUTHCOM files dealing with Guantanamo Bay;
  • An investigation into an incident in a village in Farah, Afghanistan;?
  • Some Department of State cables.

Related story: WikiLeaks case: Bradley Manning seeks first public statement on motive

At his court martial, Manning?s defense is expected to argue that he considered himself a "whistleblower" and released the documents with "no malicious intent" or the intent to do "any harm to anyone." The government contends the release of the documents put some lives at risks, including the names of Afghans who were working with the U.S. military and intelligence.

Jim Miklaszewski is NBC News? Chief Pentagon Correspondent and Courtney Kube is NBC News? National Security Producer. ?


This story was originally published on


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Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 200 businesses will urge the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to strike down a federal law that restricts the definition of marriage to heterosexual unions.

Lawyers representing the businesses said they would file a brief in the case.

Companies including Microsoft Corp, Google Inc, Starbucks Corp and Pfizer Inc are among those that joined the brief. Others included Aetna Inc,, Inc and Citigroup Inc.

Thomson Reuters Corp is another signatory. The Reuters news agency is part of Thomson Reuters.

The companies want the Supreme Court to strike down a key provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

Separately, lawyers representing another group of employers, including some of the same companies, had said already that they planned to file a brief on Thursday in a related case that questions a California law that bans gay marriage.

The two cases are to be argued before the Supreme Court on March 26 and 27.

In the brief filed on Wednesday, attorney Sabin Willett wrote that DOMA "requires that employers treat one employee differently from another, when each is married, and each marriage is equally lawful."

DOMA does not create any uniformity nationwide, Willett said, because 12 states in total either authorize same-sex marriage or recognize marriages that have been performed in other states.

That creates a burden for employers, particularly those who do business nationwide, he added.

Willett also wrote that the law forces companies to discriminate, sometimes in contravention of their own internal policies and local laws, when dealing with healthcare plans and other benefits.

"We must do all of this in states, counties and cities that prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and demand equal treatment of all married individuals," he added.

In briefs already filed in support of marriage being restricted to heterosexual unions, business interests have not been represented. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has not taken a stand on the issue.

(Reporting by Lawrence Hurley; Editing by Howard Goller and Cynthia Osterman)


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Democrats nominate Robin Kelly in Illinois special election (Washington Post)

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New talks on Iran nuclear program offer slim hope

ALMATY, Kazakhstan (AP) ? World powers began a new round of high-level talks with Iranian officials Tuesday, trying to find a way out of a yearslong tussle over Tehran's nuclear program and its feared ability to make atomic weapons in the future.

Few believe the latest attempt to forge a compromise will yield any major breakthroughs, but negotiators are optimistically casting it as a stepping stone toward reaching a workable solution.

Officials described the latest diplomatic discussions as a way to build confidence with Iran as the country steadfastly maintains its right to enrich uranium in the face of harsh international sanctions.

"The offer addresses the international concern on the exclusively peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program, but it is also responsive to Iranian ideas," said Michael Mann, spokesman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who is leading the negotiations. "We've put some proposals forward which will hopefully allow Iran to show some flexibility."

Mehdi Mohammadi, a member of the Iranian delegation, said Tehran was prepared to make an offer of its own to end the deadlock but will resist some of the West's core demands.

The Obama administration is pushing for diplomacy to solve the impasse but has not ruled out the possibility of military intervention in Iran to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Israel has threatened it will use all means to stop Iran from being able to build a bomb, potentially as soon as this summer, raising the specter of a possible Mideast war.

A senior U.S. official at the talks said Monday that some sanctions relief would be part of the offer to Iran but refused to elaborate. The new relief is part of a package that the U.S. official said included "substantive changes."

The official acknowledged reports earlier this month that sanctions would be eased to allow Iran's gold trade to progress, but would neither confirm nor deny they are included in the new relief offer, and spoke only on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive diplomatic talks more candidly.

In a statement before the talks began Tuesday, the Interfax news agency cited Russia's envoy as saying the easing of sanctions was possible only if Iran can assure the world that its nuclear program is for exclusively peaceful purposes.

"There is no certainty that the Iranian nuclear program lacks a military dimension, although there is also no evidence that there is a military dimension," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said.

China's Foreign Ministry said diplomacy offered the only route to resolve the dispute and called for all sides to show flexibility.

"We think the Iranian nuclear issue is very complicated and sensitive. All parties should have firm confidence in peacefully resolving the issue through dialogue and negotiation and take an objective and pragmatic attitude," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily briefing in Beijing.

Members of the Chinese and Iranian delegations met at a bilateral session before the main talks got under way.

Interfax cited an unidentified Iranian delegation member as saying Iran might also hold one-on-one talks with Russia, but ruled out direct negotiations with the United States in Almaty.

Officials from both sides have set low expectations for a breakthrough in Almaty ? the first time the high-level negotiators have met since last June's meeting in Moscow that threatened to derail the delicate efforts.

While Mann acknowledged the Almaty talks would unlikely lead to a firm, he insisted that it remained an important stepping stone toward a definitive solution.

"We're not interested in talks just for talk's sake. We're not here to talk, we're here to make concrete progress," he said.

The first session talks are being held in private at a hotel in Almaty, Kazakhstan's largest city, and were deemed so sensitive that reporters were not allowed on the premises Tuesday save for a small handful of TV cameras and photographers allowed to watch Ashton greet Saeed Jalili, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council.

The opening round Tuesday afternoon lasted 2 ? hours.

Tehran maintains it is enriching uranium only to make reactor fuel and medical isotopes, and insists it has a right to do so under international law. It has signaled it does not intend to stop, and U.N. nuclear inspectors last week confirmed Iran has begun a major upgrade of its program at the country's main uranium enrichment site.

Over the last eight months, the international community has imposed harsh economic sanctions on Iran that U.S. officials said have, among other things, cut the nation's daily oil output by 1 million barrels and slashed its employment rate. Western powers have hoped that the Iranian public would suffer under sanctions so the government would feel a moral obligation to slow its nuclear program.

The six world powers ? United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany ?want Iran to suspend enrichment in its underground Fordo nuclear facility, and to ship its stockpile of high-grade uranium out of the country.

Mohammadi said that the shuttering of Fordo was "out of the question."

Negotiators hope that easing some of the sanctions will make Tehran more agreeable to halting production of 20 percent enriched uranium ? the highest grade of enrichment that Iran has acknowledged and one that experts say could be turned into warhead grade in a matter of months.

Mohammadi said Iran would only agree to that stipulation on the condition of UN Security Council sanctions being suspended.

But an analysis released Monday by the International Crisis Group concluded that the web of international sanctions have become so entrenched in Iran's political and economic systems that they cannot be easily lifted piece by piece. It found that Tehran's clerical regime has begun adapting its policy to the sanctions, despite their crippling effect on the Iranian public. Doing so, the analysis concluded, has divided the public's anger "between a regime viewed as incompetent and an outside world seen as uncaring."

Iran has been unimpressed with earlier offers by the powers to provide it with medical isotopes and lift sanctions on spare parts for civilian airliners, and new bargaining chips that Tehran sees as minor are likely to be snubbed as well. Iran insists, as a starting point, that world powers must recognize the republic's right to enrich uranium.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Morrissey ducks 'Kimmel' over 'Dynasty' guests

AP, Getty Images

Morrissey and "Duck Dynasty's" Willie Robertson.

By Bruna Nessif, E! Online

Sorry Morrissey fans, you won't be seeing him perform on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" Tuesday night. The English singer and animal activist was expected to appear on the late-night talk show, but has now released a statement saying he won't be present because of who else is scheduled tot appear on Jimmy Kimmel's show: the stars of A&E's reality show "Duck Dynasty," who make products for duck hunters.

"Morrissey is thankful for being invited to perform on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' tomorrow, Feb. 26," his rep told E! News. "However, he cannot morally be on a television program where the cast members of Duck Dynasty will also be guests. Morrissey would be honored to play the show, if 'Duck Dynasty' were removed."

Jamie Foxx sings Channing Tatum tribute on "Kimmel Live"

Yes, interesting indeed, and there's more.

Morrissey stated, "As far as my reputation is concerned, I can't take the risk of being on a show alongside people who, in effect, amount to animal serial killers. If Jimmy cannot dump 'Duck Dynasty,' then we must step away."

The TV show centers around the lives of the Robertson family, who became wealthy from their family-operated business, Duck Commander.

Reps for Kimmel and the A&E reality series were not immediately available for comment.

Morrissey holding first-ever vegetarian concert

Morrissey will be making history this weekend during his sold-out Los Angeles show on March 1, when all the vendors within and around the venue will be 100 percent vegetarian for the first time ever.

"I don't look upon it as a victory for me, but a victory for the animals," he said in a press release.

Check out more hot Hollywood vegetarians

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Video: Sideshow: Alaska toys with nullification

>>> back to "hardball." now to the "sideshow." first, the late night comedy recap of the academy awards .

>> from last night's academy awards a special segment we call first time applauding?

>> only the sisth time in oscar hero there was a tie. the first went to began dolph the gray and the second went to sara mon the white. both men thanked their mothers, blowouts and vidal sassoon .

>> michelle obama announced best picture . something happened. i thought maybe -- i thought this was a bit rude. take a look.

>> mrs. obama, do you have your envelope?

>> and the oscar goes to.

>> "argo."

>> well, the appearance from michelle obama was, of course, one of the night's surprises and there's a reason we didn't know about it before hand. "the l.a. times " has con krl candidate the operation from start to finish. it turns out the idea for the first lady to appear at the oscars was hatched before the producers knew whether it would be michelle obama or ann romney . the idea was brought to the first lady's team by harvey weinstein when he attended the second inauguration. then the logistic were put in place. extra precaution that is kept the whole thing under wraps. the few people who were in the know told a crew last week that they were having an emergency meeting about one of the show's musical numbers. in reality they were helping the first lady rehearse via satellite. the winner envelope was hand delivered to the white house over the weekend. so the first lady knew who was going to win, i guess. throughout the show, the producers were backstage sending text messages to the white house staffers making sure everything was good to go. every the first lady's location in the white house was chosen not so much for the ambiance but because the room they did it would be free all weekend for the set yaup face.

>>> next, the latest state to be toying with nullification. alaska . the state's republican led house passed a bill yesterday which would exempt alaskans from having to follow any federal gun or al nitions restrictions. and would subject federal agents who tried to enforce gun laws up there to felony charges. well, alaska speaker of the house led the charge on this one. here he is last month talking about nullifying the president's executive orders on gun control .

>> the president has the power to issue -- i'm just wondering which --

>> i also have the ability to not like the authorities that he's passed.

>> but you don't necessarily have the ability to nullify things that the federal government has --

>> and that's something that the people in my district are looking at is nullification.

>> seems like this was resolved a long time ago when andrew jackson was president.

>> well, we can go back if we want to all the way back to george washington if we want to go far thuf back. so we all know even before thomas jefferson and how we became a country.

>> i have no idea what that guy is talking about. nullification became a thing of the past legally in 1833 which is why plenty of people are saying the move in alaska is unconstitutional and will never, ever be enforced.

>>> remember this?

>> we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet. i went to a number of women 's groups and said can you help us find folks and they brought us whole binders full of women .

>> well, if you thought binders full of women left the scene with the rest of 2012 you didn't catch jeopardy yesterday.

>> here are the categories for you. hugo awards for science fiction . 1990s music. world place names . funny things people say. a bunch of stuff. potpourri really. and a binder full of women .

>> a binder full of women for $400.

>> she's the 111th justice of the supreme court .

>> keith?

>> who is sonia sotomayor .

>> yes.

>> $800, binder full of women .

>> in 2012 this berliner topped forbes list of the 100 most powerful women for the second year in a row.

>> colby.

>> who is merkel.

>> angela merkel , correct.

>> binder full of women . lives on on jeopardy.

>>> up next, a group of high profile republicans is urging the supreme court to support marriage equality . it's yet another sign of how fast this country is moving on this issue. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. [ lorenzo


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fragments of continents hidden under lava in the Indian Ocean

Monday, February 25, 2013

The islands Reunion and Mauritius, both well-known tourist destinations, are hiding a micro-continent, which has now been discovered. The continent fragment known as Mauritia detached about 60 million years ago while Madagascar and India drifted apart, and had been hidden under huge masses of lava. Such micro-continents in the oceans seem to occur more frequently than previously thought, says a study in the latest issue of Nature Geoscience ("A Precambrian microcontinent in the Indian Ocean," Nature Geoscience, Vol 6, doi: 10.1038/NGEO1736).

The break-up of continents is often associated with mantle plumes: These giant bubbles of hot rock rise from the deep mantle and soften the tectonic plates from below, until the plates break apart at the hotspots. This is how Eastern Gondwana broke apart about 170 million years ago. At first, one part was separated, which in turn fragmented into Madagascar, India, Australia and Antarctica, which then migrated to their present position.

Plumes currently situated underneath the islands Marion and Reunion appear to have played a role in the emergence of the Indian Ocean. If the zone of the rupture lies at the edge of a land mass (in this case Madagascar / India), fragments of this land mass may be separated off. The Seychelles are a well-known example of such a continental fragment.

A group of geoscientists from Norway, South Africa, Britain and Germany have now published a study that suggests, based on the study of lava sand grains from the beach of Mauritius, the existence of further fragments. The sand grains contain semi-precious zircons aged between 660 and 1970 million years, which is explained by the fact that the zircons were carried by the lava as it pushed through subjacent continental crust of this age.

This dating method was supplemented by a recalculation of plate tectonics, which explains exactly how and where the fragments ended up in the Indian Ocean. Dr. Bernhard Steinberger of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and Dr. Pavel Doubrovine of Oslo University calculated the hotspot trail: "On the one hand, it shows the position of the plates relative to the two hotspots at the time of the rupture, which points towards a causal relation," says

Steinberger. "On the other hand, we were able to show that the continent fragments continued to wander almost exactly over the Reunion plume, which explains how they were covered by volcanic rock." So what was previously interpreted only as the trail of the Reunion hotspot, are continental fragments which were previously not recognized as such because they were covered by the volcanic rocks of the Reunion plume. It therefore appears that such micro-continents in the ocean occur more frequently than previously thought.


Torsvik, T.H., Amundsen, H., Hartz, E.H., Corfu, F., Kusznir, N., Gaina, C., Doubrovine, P.V., Steinberger B., Ashwal, L.D. & Jamtveit, B., ?A Precambrian microcontinent in the Indian Ocean", Nature Geoscience, Vol. 6, doi:10.1038/NGEO1736.

Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres:

Thanks to Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

A land of militias, Libya struggles to build a military

The Libyan government wants a professional standing army, but the many militias still on the streets are too good at their job to be replaced with a fledgling, inexperienced military.

By Maggie Fick,?Correspondent / February 24, 2013

Libyan National Congress President Mohammed Magarief (second r.) shakes hands with officers of the Libyan National Army during a graduation ceremony for students of military academies in Tripoli February 20.

Ismail Zitouny/Reuters


In the seventeen months since Muammar Qaddafi was killed, Libya has made building an army a top national priority. But progress toward achieving this goal has been slow at best, with an official admitting that he does not even know how many soldiers are currently in the army.

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Public statements by senior Libyan leaders suggest that there is little disagreement over the notion that the country desperately needs a functioning military to ensure a peaceful transition ??and a clean break from the Qaddafi legacy of a weak army dwarfed by powerful brigades loyal to the autocrat?s sons. However, political will alone hasn't been enough to effect serious reforms.?

The decrepit, near nonexistent, state of the army two years after Libyans rose up against Qaddafi is a symbol of the interim government?s failure to begin developing institutions to guide Libya?s path toward a democratic state.?The hurdles to building an army reflect the broader struggles facing Libya as it seeks to define its national identity in the wake of 42 years of a regime based solely on the whims of one man.?

Over the past year, Libyan authorities have largely entrusted the revolutionaries who overthrew Qaddafi with the task of maintaining security across the country, punting on the responsibility of building new army and police forces. Militia fighters in a rainbow of uniforms?? not soldiers or police officers???remain the predominant public face of security in Tripoli and in other cities and towns throughout the country.

Absent a strong central command to manage the conduct of the thousands of local militias participating in security provision, many of the militias that overthrew Qaddafi remain intact and continue to operate outside the confines of law.??

The ?revolutionary legitimacy? of the local brigade members and their leaders far outweighs that of Qaddafi-era army officials.

In some cases, the government has authorized the creation of semi-formal umbrella groups for the militias like the Libyan Shield Forces; in others, local militias simply govern themselves.?

'In name only'

When Prime Minister Ali Zeidan took office last October, he declared that building professional army and police forces was his highest priority. But in the case of the army in particular, this goal remains out of reach.

Some Libyans describe it as existing ?in name only.? Many soldiers who served during Muammar Qaddafi?s rule and remained on the autocrat?s side during the 2011 uprising either were killed, fled the country, or have attempted to conceal their past loyalties in order to avoid persecution.

This raises the question of who exactly remains in the army. When asked to estimate how many soldiers there are, Giuma Sayeh, the head of the defense committee for the temporary General National Congress elected in July told The Christian Science Monitor he had ?no idea.?

Meanwhile, militia fighters remain as well-armed as soldiers. Research by the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey found that in Misurata, Libya?s third-largest city and the scene of some of the fiercest battles of the 2011 uprising turned civil war, revolutionary brigades control more than 90 percent of the city?s weapons.

"The primary security challenge facing Libya is how to transform a decentralized revolutionary force ? which is made up of hundreds if not thousands of separate units ? into state security structures that have democratic checks and balances,? says Brian McQuinn, an Oxford University doctoral student who has been studying Libyan armed groups since Qaddafi?s fall and is the author of a recent Small Arms Survey report on the same topic.?

Mr. McQuinn says that Libyan leaders are grappling with the need to build a new national army while also recognizing the importance of?accommodating?the many local groups of revolutionary fighters "who?sacrificed a great deal."

As for the efficacy of the current security arrangements ? overlapping and parallel forces operating independently of each other ? McQuinn expressed a widely held view: "What is the alternative at this point?"

Impossible task

Army chief of staff Yussef al-Mangush, a former colonel in Qaddafi?s army who retired from the army just before the revolution began, was appointed by the interim cabinet early last year and is now facing mounting opposition from GNC members.

?We are trying to nominate another chief of staff,? Mr. Sayeh

"He has tried to do something, but he is not capable because he is weak," he added, criticizing his management skills but stopping short of any comments about the colonel?s past role in Qaddafi?s regime.

Army chief of staff Yussef al-Mangush is in the unfortunate position of being increasingly unpopular among parliamentarians for his failure to make quick progress, while at the same time being tasked by the government with an ever-growing raft of responsibilities.

"People are calling for his dismissal but he keeps getting handed more responsibilities," says a Western official in Libya who spoke on condition of anonymity.? "Land, air, naval forces, border security. In theory he is powerful, but he is working with the shells of institutions."

Analysts say that aside from facing the tall task of rebuilding these institutions, al-Mangush is also grappling with the demands of powerful local militia commanders, few of whom are interested in ceding power to his authority.

Who can serve?

With Libya focused on?building new institutions, both in the security sector and elsewhere, and with the constitution-drafting process yet to begin, the question of who will be permitted to lead this process is being decided by the congress. In Tripoli this week, the 200-member General National?Congress is debating a draft of the Political Isolation Law, which will specify which Libyan citizens are ineligible to run for political office based on their past service of the Qadaffi government over 42 years.

Activists say the law is too expansive and will prevent many Libyans who had no choice but to serve in the government from playing a role in the building of the new state.

?We have educated people from the [former] navy, army, and air force,? says Sayeh. ?To be honest, some were with Qaddafi and they escaped, they are now outside the country. But some [from the former army] were clearly against Qaddafi under the table,? he says, expressing concern that experienced officers who could help lead the new armed forces would be prevented from doing so if the bill passes.

Revolutionaries who are still manning checkpoints and performing security duties on behalf of the state ?should go back to their jobs or be trained in military academies," he says.

A government program offering such choices to the tens of thousands of young Libyans who played roles in the revolution could be an appealing alternative to holding on to their weapons and their positions of local power.

Until such a program is created, however, the structure of security forces in Libya may continue to model that of the highly decentralized revolution.?

The current reality is a glaring reminder that although Libyans rose up in unison to bring down Qaddafi, there is less unity of purpose when it comes to the hard work of managing the country while it remains awash in arms and rife with militias that are not eager to return to civilian life.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscars 2013 Predictions

MTV News tells you who will win this year's Oscars — and who should win.
By MTV News Staff

Ben Affleck in "Argo"
Photo: Warner Bros.


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Friday's College Basketball


Castleton St. 70, Maine-Farmington 46

Harvard 65, Brown 47

Ithaca 70, St. John Fisher 63

Penn 79, Cornell 71

Princeton 65, Columbia 40

Regis 66, Newbury 59, OT

Stevens Tech 102, Utica 66

Yale 78, Dartmouth 67


Centre 74, Berry 58

Randolph-Macon 57, Guilford 56

Stetson 80, Florida Gulf Coast 71

Va. Wesleyan 83, E. Mennonite 65


Akron 68, N. Dakota St. 53

Bemidji St. 79, Minn. Duluth 64

Minn. St.-Mankato 87, Sioux Falls 78

Minn. St.-Moorhead 92, Mary 77

Minn.-Crookston 80, St. Cloud St. 77

Northern St. (SD) 79, Minot St. 31

SW Minnesota St. 71, Concordia (St.P.) 69

Saint Louis 65, Butler 61

Upper Iowa 77, Augustana (SD) 66

Winona St. 73, Wayne (Neb.) 64


McMurry 76, Okla. Panhandle St. 51


Stephen F. Austin 68, Long Beach St. 60


American Southwest Conference


Hardin-Simmons 104, Texas-Tyler 101, 3OT

CCAC DII Conference Tournament


Cardinal Stritch 81, St. Francis (Ill.) 46

St. Xavier 64, Ind.-South Bend 46

CCIW Conference Tournament


Augustana (Ill.) 53, Illinois Wesleyan 47

North Central (Ill.) 59, Wheaton (Ill.) 50

MIAC Conference Tournament


Augsburg 74, Concordia (Moor.) 67

St. Thomas (Minn.) 70, Carleton 57

Midwest Conference Tournament


Carroll (Wis.) 92, Grinnell 89

St. Norbert 75, Ripon 65

SLIAC Conference Tournament


Eureka 77, Westminster (Mo.) 72

Spalding 70, Webster 56


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Acer launches 16GB Iconia B1 Android tablet for ?139

DNP EMBARGO  Acer outs 16GB Iconia B1A71 a lowend Android slate for &euro139

Acer's low-end Iconia B1-A71 Android tablet made its debut at CES 2013, packing a dual-core 1.2GHz Mediatek processor and 8GB of internal storage. A few months later here at MWC, the company is introducing a 16GB model of the 7-inch Jelly Bean slate, and it's on sale immediately for €139 (compared to €119 for the 8GB version). The higher storage capacity is the real story here; otherwise, you're looking at the same 1,024 x 600 display, 0.3-megapixel camera and lightweight plastic build. Like the version announced at CES, the B1 is available in Africa, Europe and the Middle East but not North America. Cruise past the break for the press release.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hackers circulate tainted version of China cyber security report

BOSTON (Reuters) - Unknown hackers are trying to infect computers by capitalizing on strong interest in a recent report by a security firm that accuses the Chinese military of supporting widespread cyber attacks on U.S. companies.

Tainted digital versions of the report from cyber forensics firm Mandiant infect PCs with computer viruses that allow hackers to gain remote control of computers after users attempt to read those documents, according to security researchers.

Anti-virus software maker Symantec Corp said on its blog that some of those tainted documents were attached to Japanese-language emails purporting to be from someone recommending the report.

Security engineer Brandon Dixon said on his blog that he had identified a similar document on the Internet, which appeared to have originated in India.

"It was only a matter of time," Mandiant said on its blog, adding that its own network had not been compromised. "Reports downloaded, previously and currently from our website, do not contain exploits."

The report, which is available from Mandiant at charges that a secretive Chinese military unit is behind a series of hacking attacks. It prompted a strong denial from Beijing and accusations that China was in fact the victim of U.S. hacking.

(Reporting By Jim Finkle; editing by Andrew Hay)


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Qualcomm has announced something that will make travellers everywhere very happy: a new radio chipset that can support every LTE network in the world. More »


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Fight or flight? - Business Management Daily

Yesterday, the New York Times' You're the Boss Blog asked the following question:

How do you handle employee litigation?

Do you dig in your heels and fight, settle, or some combination of the two?

The NYT's blog post recounted the story of one small business owner who chose to stand his ground and assume the risk of taking an employment case to trial. As a result the employee dropped his settlement demand to a nuisance value, $10,000.

The reality, however, is that there is no easy answer to the question of how your company should respond to a lawsuit by an employee. You must weigh all of the following factors to come to the right decision for your business in each case.

  • Is the plaintiff a current or former employee?
  • How much can you afford to spend, and will litigation now impede your ability to fund a settlement later?
  • Do you have employment practices liability insurance coverage?
  • Is there a risk that a settlement will incent other employees to bring claims, or will long, protected litigation deter copycat claims?
  • What is your tolerance for the distractions of litigation?responding to discovery, gathering documents, dealing with the hassles of electronic discovery, attending depositions, and attending court dates?
  • Do you want to subject your managers, supervisors, and other employees to depositions?
  • What is the reputation of the plaintiff?s attorney?is s/he going to make the case more difficult and expensive than necessary?
  • What is the likelihood the assigned judge will grant a summary judgment motion and dismiss the case?
  • How tight or loose are juries in your jurisdiction?

How you answer these question will dictate whether you litigate or offer a settlement, and, if it's the latter, when you make that offer. Keep in mind, however, that even if you choose to offer a settlement, no case resolves without two willing parties. If the other side is not willing to meet you at a fair and reasonable value for the claim, then the choice has been made for you, lest you become an easy mark for every disgruntled employee.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

2013 NCAA Tournament Bracketology Update: Arizona State needs to win and they are in

A mandate from the panel of bracketologists - ASU will get in the tournament if they can win some games down the stretch.

The Sun Devils are off to a good start this week, defeating the Washington State Cougars and earning their 20th win of the season last night in Tempe. With four games to go in the regular season, ASU has positioned themselves nicely for a run at the NCAA Tournament.

None of this will matter if Arizona State cannot beat Washington on Saturday night. We've been saying that the Sun Devils need to win 24 games to make it to March Madness, and that allows for one regular season loss and at least one win in the Pac-12 Tournament. Truly an attainable goal, but UW must fall.

First up: ESPN's Joe Lunardi. He has projected the Sun Devils as a First Four entrant, facing off against Villanova for the right to call themselves an 11 seed in the South bracket. The winner would play Notre Dame.

Palm, CBS Sports' bracketology guru, has kept the Sun Devils out of the bracket. ASU is now the 'first team out' for Palm.

Finally, Chris Dobbertean of SB Nation has Arizona State in the First Four as well, playing Virginia to determine the 12th seed in the South. The winner would play Oklahoma State. Very consistent opinions on the Sun Devils have formed as a team that is firmly on the bubble, and ASU needs to win big and often down the stretch to make the NCAA Tournament.

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Deal's Medicaid decision denies health insurance to 600,000 | Jay ...

So far, six Republican governors have decided to buck their party and accept federal expansion of Medicaid coverage, concluding that the best interests of their state and its citizens outweigh the interests of their political party.

Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia has made the opposite choice, and the damage inflicted on Georgia by his decision will be considerable.

Here?s the deal:

Under the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, the federal government has offered to cover 100 percent of the costs of health insurance for an additional 620,000 Georgians. The deal is good for three years, from 2014 through 2016. In 2017, the federal government will still pay 95 percent of the cost, and the percentage will slide to 90 percent by 2020.

For every year thereafter, the federal government will cover 90 percent of the cost.

That would amount to an influx of $40 billion into the Georgia economy from 2014 to 2023, according to Bill Custer, a health economist at Georgia State University. That will boost the state?s economic output by an average of $8.2 billion a year. That in turn will create more than 70,000 new jobs in a state with the nation?s ninth-highest unemployment rate, Hudson estimates. That in turn will generate an additional $267 million a year in state and local taxes.

Many of those newly created jobs will be in the well-paying medical industry, which is particularly important in a state where the median household income had been dropping even before the recession hit. According to Custer?s analysis, 46,000 of those jobs will be created outside metro Atlanta, in areas where the health-care industry is barely hanging on because so many local residents do not have health insurance.

With the influx of federal money, rural hospitals that will otherwise be forced to close their doors would remain open. Those facilities will remain important economic generators for their communities, and they will also help to attract outside industry. Employers have little interest in locating in communities with no nearby hospital.

In addition, it should help lower health-insurance costs in general, because the rest of us won?t be paying for health care for the uninsured through our health-care premiums.

Most important, there?s the impact on those 620,000 Georgians. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, some 22 percent of Georgians are without health insurance, the seventh highest rate in the nation. Ideology won?t cover their medical bills. Partisan politics won?t pay their surgeon or anesthesiologist.

Deal explains his refusal in a couple of ways. His administration estimates that it will cost the state some $4.5 billion to participate in the program from 2014 to 2023. That?s more than twice as much as other estimates, but let?s accept it as valid. Using Deal?s numbers, Georgia is turning down an offer to match each state dollar with 10 dollars in federal funding. That 10-1 match is far more generous than other federal programs that Georgia scrambles to tap. Turning it down means that billions of tax dollars will be flowing out of Georgia to support health care in other states; none of it will be flowing back in.

You can also think of it purely in investment terms: Every year, Georgia gives away hundreds of millions of dollars through economic development efforts that have far more risk and considerably less return than this program.

According to Deal, he also fears that the federal government doesn?t have the resources to sustain the expanded program. But it?s curious how that logic isn?t applied to, say, the deepening of Savannah Harbor, where Deal and others are pleading for hundreds of millions of dollars from that very same federal government. Or to the billions of dollars in federal loan guarantees to build new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle. Perhaps we should also discourage the location of the Army?s new CyberCommand to Fort Gordon near Augusta, where it iswould likely bring thousands of jobs.

ObamaCare isn?t going away. The Republicans have fought it all the way up to the Supreme Court, and they lost. They made its repeal a central part of their 2012 campaign, and they lost the presidential race, they lost Senate seats and they lost House seats. At some point, it?s time to accept reality.

? Jay Bookman


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

'Harlem Shake' Hits #1 On Hot 100 Thanks To Chart Makeover

Adding YouTube streaming data helped the viral dance sensation take over the #1 spot.
By Gil Kaufman

Photo: Baauer/ Facebook


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Mexico disappearances constitute 'crisis,' report says

MEXICO CITY (AP) ? Human Rights Watch called Mexico's anti-drug offensive "disastrous" in a report Wednesday that cites 249 cases of disappearances that the group says mostly show evidence of having been carried out by the military or law enforcement.

The report says the "enforced disappearances" follow a pattern in which security forces detain people without warrants at checkpoints, at homes or work places, or in public. When victims' families ask about their relatives, security forces deny the detentions or instruct them to look for their loved ones at police stations or army bases.

Human Rights Watch criticizes former President Felipe Calderon, saying he ignored the problem that it calls "the most severe crisis of enforced disappearances in Latin America in decades."

An email asking for comment and sent to Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where Calderon is a fellow, was not answered Wednesday.

The report says President Enrique Pena Nieto, who succeeded Calderon on Dec. 1, should act urgently "in cases where people have been taken against their will and their fate is still unknown."

Mexico's Interior Department, which oversees domestic security, declined to make an immediate comment about the report.

A civic organization released a database late last year that it said contained official information on more than 20,000 people who had gone missing in Mexico over the previous six years ? the term of Calderon, who stepped up the government's campaign against drug cartels.

In posting the datebase on its website, Propuesta Civica, or Civic Proposal, said the information was collected by the federal Attorney General's Office during Calderon's administration.

Lia Limon, deputy secretary for human rights at the Interior Department, told reporters that the government plans to unveil a database containing more than 27,000 records of missing people that were gathered by the federal Attorney General's Office. She said she had not seen it and did not have details of specific cases.

The missing in Propuesta Civica's database include police officers, bricklayers, housewives, lawyers, students, businessmen and more than 1,200 children under age 11. They are listed one by one with such details as name, age, gender and the date and place where the person disappeared.

Among the examples cited by Human Rights Watch is evidence suggesting that marines detained about 20 people in three northern border states in June and July of 2011. Though it denied abducting the victims, Mexico's navy later acknowledged it had contact with some before they disappeared.

In one such case, Jose Fortino Martinez Martinez was sleeping with his wife and four children at their home in the northern border town of Nuevo Laredo when he was woken by the sound of his door being knocked down. That night in June 2011, eight masked men burst into his bedroom carrying automatic rifles and bulletproof vests with "Marina," Navy in Spanish, written on them.

Martinez, 33, was taken away by those men, according to the several of his neighbors who testified at the time. Although naval officials denied arresting him, they said weeks later that they would investigate if marines were involved.

So far, nothing is known of Martinez's whereabouts.

The report also says security personnel sometimes work with criminals, detaining victims and handing them over to gangs. The report cites incidents in which investigators used information collected in a case to pose as kidnappers and demand ransom payments from the victims' families.

Authorities frequently fail to take even the most basic investigative steps, such as tracing victims' cellphone or bank records, and often rely on investigations carried out by the victims' relatives, the report says.

Human Rights Watch recommends that the Mexican government take concrete steps to change security procedures, including issuing new rules requiring that detainees be taken immediately to prosecutors' offices and not be held at military bases or police stations.


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

At least 16 hurt in gas explosion, fire in Kansas City

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) - A fire triggered by a natural gas explosion engulfed a restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday, injuring at least 16 people and leaving search teams to comb charred debris for remains of anyone who may have perished, authorities said.

Although no known fatalities were immediately reported, Fire Chief Paul Berardi said several patrons were likely inside the restaurant when it went up in flames, and cadaver dogs were brought in to help sift through the ruins of the building overnight.

"We are concerned that there may be additional people that were not able to get out of the structure," Berardi told reporters, adding that the blaze erupted at happy hour. "I always fear there may be fatalities in a situation like this."

He said the results of the search with dogs would not be known "for some time."

The explosion shook the Country Club Plaza, an upscale shopping area about 30 blocks south of downtown Kansas City, around dinner time, just after 6 p.m. CST (0000 GMT), fire officials said.

Berardi said he had initial reports that 14 people were hurt, nine of whom were taken to area hospitals, including two with life-threatening injuries.

But a separate tally of patients from three hospitals showed at least 16 people were injured, three of them listed in critical condition.

"I am just keeping my fingers crossed that this turns out to be what it looks like on first blush - that this is a relatively low number of injuries compared to what it could be," Mayor Sly James told reporters.

"Hopefully, no fatalities will come out of it, but we don't know that at this point," he added.

Appearing earlier in the evening on CNN, Fire Department spokesman James Garrett attributed the explosion to a natural gas leak, and Berardi later said that the odor of gas was reported in the area before the blast.

"It does seem to be an accident," the chief said. "It doesn't appear to be foul play at this time."

The precise origin of the blast was not immediately known, officials said. However, an office building was under construction across the street from the fire scene.

One witness, Bryce McElroy, who lives about two blocks away, said he heard a loud boom and headed toward the noise, arriving on the scene to see flames leaping from a manhole cover and advancing on the restaurant, a popular steakhouse and fine dining venue called JJ's.

Jeff Hansen, who lives about four blocks away, said he went to the scene to offer assistance after hearing the blast and saw six to eight people visibly injured who were leaving the area.

"Obviously there were multiple injuries," he said. "The question is if there is anybody still in there."

Firefighters swarmed into the area to battle flames consuming the restaurant as police officers ordered bystanders to move two blocks back from the fire as a precaution. The smell of gas fumes permeated the air around the scene.

The University of Kansas Hospital received six patients from the blast and fire, two of whom drove themselves from the scene and were treated and released, hospital spokesman Bob Hallinan told Reuters.

Of the four patients transported to the hospital, one was listed in critical condition and two in serious condition, he said. The fourth was being transferred from another hospital.

Eight patients were reported at nearby St. Luke's Medical Center, two of them listed in critical conditions. Two more people were listed in good condition at Research Medical Center, spokeswoman Denise Charpentier said.

Two JJ's employees who were away from the restaurant at the time of the blast said they were told later by fellow workers who were present that staff members were alerted to the smell of gas shortly before the blast and had begun to evacuate the building.

One of those workers who relayed that account, Talley Saey, said she was told that several employees were among those taken to the hospital.

(Additional reporting by David Bailey; Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston, Eric Beech and Lisa Shumaker)


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